What is the price of a Prestashop site? How much does it cost to create an e-commerce site with Prestashop? Is there a minimum budget to start with Prestashop? Or can we create a Prestashop site with little money? These are the questions we will try to answer with this article.
You probably already know Prestashop, the most widely used open source software for e-commerce in France and Europe. Prestashop is a French solution with a team based mainly in Paris. They have many references of e-commerce sites such as Archiduchesse, Le Slip Français, Bricoprivé etc....
Many web agencies offer Prestashop to their customers because they can largely customize the features to precisely meet their customers' needs.
Even if it is perhaps the question that most e-commerce site creators ask themselves, as you can imagine, the answer can vary greatly. But what are the price ranges observed in the market and what can explain these price differences?
All the figures below are based on my personal experience as an e-commerce director and e-commerce manager for more than 15 years. They are purely indicative and are neither an average nor an obligation. They are just to give you some idea of the usual price ranges that can be seen for Prestashop projects.
Do you need a simple Prestashop site, with the main plugins? A generic theme where we can just change the colors is fine with you? Then you should get away with it for about €5,000. This is, for the moment, the "base price" I have seen for a Prestashop site. All the functionalities to sell online are included in this price but you will get the essentials. A Prestashop site of this type can usually be delivered within a few weeks
Do you have a specific module to connect? Do you want a theme personalized to your image but without spending months there? A data migration or an import of products from an old site? A Prestashop site with some customization and specificities will cost between 10 and 15 000 €.
For this price, this usually includes a personalized but simple graphic charter, one or more specific plugins and/or some custom connectors. A project of this type will take a few weeks, about two or three months, depending on the information to be transferred and the project.
Do you have very specific technical needs? Many complicated modules? Interfaces to connect to your site? A graphic charter created by an entire team and 100% personalized?
So the invoice can start around 25 000 and sometimes go up to 45 000 € or even more. There is indeed no maximum price for an e-commerce site, it depends on your specifications.
Note that from a certain level of complexity, it is strongly recommended to use an e-commerce consultant to help you write the specifications and manage the project with the web agency.
However, for the moment, I have not seen any quote for a Prestashop site for more than 100 000 € but this could happen.
You want to create a marketplace? A marketplace site under Prestashop is quite feasible but there will be a lot of customization. The budgets will therefore be at the top of the range, certainly around 50 000 €.
As you may have seen, a Prestashop site can see its price change dramatically depending on several factors. What are they and how can you reduce your bill?
Do you have a specification? Is it accurate? The more it is yes, the lower your rate is likely to be. Why? Why? Because quite simply an imprecise specification will encourage the agency to take margins to manage the unexpected. Making a good specification is therefore essential to the success of your e-commerce project.
This is necessarily the point that makes a big difference in a project. The more complex it is, the more expensive it will be. It's the same with Prestashop sites. The more plugins, themes and modifications you need, the more expensive the project will be.
If you are looking to build a prestashop site with the lowest possible budget, limit the extras, specific developments and make them a classic but effective site.
This is often the most expensive part of a site creation service under Prestashop.
And yes, the number of plugins can vary the price of your e-commerce site. If you need 30 different plugins and they are all at 200 €, it can quickly inflate the budget.
And yes, it is a criterion on the prices of Prestashop sites! Some agencies with a street address may charge more for their services. This is not only for the sake of profit but also to manage their planning! Indeed, managing an agency requires a lot of money and skills and organizing schedules is sometimes complicated! The agencies in high demand will therefore often charge a premium to new customers. It's the law of supply and demand!
You don't want to go through an agency to lower the cost of purchasing your site? No worries, with Prestashop and open source, everything is at your disposal to launch your site at low cost. But there will still be expenses.
It takes a few hundred euros for the plugins. Even if some are free, they do not always meet your needs. Might as well plan a small budget
Hosting: And yes, you will need a hosting for your Prestashop site. You can expect about 30€ / month to start, or 360 €/ year
A theme: unless you change the default prestashop theme, the fastest way is to buy a Prestashop theme on Themeforest or other. Here again, it is necessary to count between 50 and 200 €
That's it, it's a bit like the basic package of the e-merchant who launches out on Prestashop. The rest is development time or site modifications.
As we have seen, it is possible to start with Prestashop for any type of budget. If you have a strong project, many Prestashop agencies are there to help you realize it. If you don't have a budget, then download Prestashop and install everything yourself. It will take you some time but the good news is that you know the solution perfectly and who knows, you may move from e-merchant to Prestashop agency in the future!
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