Need of an Senior E-commerce manager ?

Do you need right now a very skilled and experience ecommerce director for you online business ?

Contact-me right now and I will managed your ecommerce business for you!

Your next E-commerce Senior Director could be me

With more than 15 years of experience in digital transformation of VSEs and SMEs and in E-commerce, I am available to lead your E-commerce business unit to success.

E-commerce and digital expertise, Team management, budget planning and business plan creation, revenue growth of the e-commerce business unit, e-commerce and digital project management, change management, representation of the company in the digital ecosystem, these are some of the missions I have been able to carry out during my various experiences

I have been able to work for large french groups such as Carrefour, Système U, Cdiscount, Rexel; SMEs such as Le Palais des Thés, Vicomte A, Destock jeans, Chacunconcafé; or even very small pure players. The goal is always the same: to exploit the potential of E-commerce and digital to grow the structure while respecting many constraints.

With more than 400 E-commerce missions managed for more than 15 years, I have been able to develop a growth methodology for e-commerce sites that I will be happy to put at your service.

What can you expect from my profile as an E-commerce manager?

E-commerce planning

Leading, above all things, is to plan, organize and manage. I do all that in e-commerce and statistical analysis activities. The main objective is clear: to build and optimise the strategy and performance of the E-Commerce business unit

Build a growth engine

I am fundamentally committed to performance measurement. My approach is based on continuous experimentation and R.O.I. This allows me to build a growth dynamic for the e-commerce site as well as to control costs.

Involve a team in a projet

To succeed in an E-commerce or digital transformation project, it is necessary to unite teams, service providers and the entire company around a common objective. Building this vision with the help of the Executive Committee is one of the objectives I set for myself as an E-commerce Director.

A multidisciplinary approach

In digital, no subject should be underestimated. Internet of things, logistics, webmarketing, development, hosting, startups, sales administration and so on. It is mandatory to be versatile and adaptable to succeed in today's digital world. It's one of my key qualities: being able to follow any topic by upgrading quickly.

Finding the good agencies (and fast)

Building E-commerce and digital projects is above all a human adventure. Building internal and external teams to meet these challenges is an essential prerequisite for me. You can count on me to build your E-commerce dream team.

Unified commerce

E-commerce and digital are not competitors of the shops. Using the strengths of each brick of the company and becoming a cross channel is essential to exploit the full potential of your business and satisfy customers.

If you recognize in these few values above a profile you want to work with then contact me using the form below!

Contact your next E-commerce director right now !

I will respond in the next 24 hours.

Discover my experiences in

Summarizing 15 years of professional life in a few lines is never easy.
The list below is therefore necessarily partial and for the sole purpose of highlighting some of the highlights of my career in e-comrceme.

  • 2004 : Webmarketeer at Cdiscount
    • Strategic analysis and web marketing
    • Creating webmarketing action plans

  • 2006 : DVD buyer assistant at Rueducommerce
    • Supply of stocks
    • Construction of a range of products
    • Product highlights and sales promotion

  • 2007 : E-commerce project manager for Rexel
    • Coordination of Rexel's worldwide E-commerce projects (20 countries)
    • E-commerce team training, skills transfer, change management
    • Audit of E-commerce sites

  • 2008 : E-commerce Manager Enjoysunglasses
    • Drafting of the E-commerce specifications
    • Call for tenders for the construction of the E-commerce site under Magento
    • Management of all traffic acquisition
    • Transformation of the e-commerce site into a marketplace

  • 2010 : E-commerce and distance selling manager Palais des Thés
    • Project recovery and site migration under Magento
    • Implementation of E-commerce and Cross Channel strategy
    • AB testing

  • 2013 : Skeelbox E-commerce Consulting Director
    • Supervision of more than 400 E-commerce missions
    • E-commerce support
    • Consulting assignments for SMEs, VSEs, large groups
    • Monthly E-commerce Coaching

I therefore have a versatile, adaptable profile that focuses above all on end customers. You can count on my skills as Senior E-commerce Director to support you and lead your business towards success in E-commerce.

Exemple de résultat suite à une mission de directeur E-commerce à temps partiel

Direction E-commerce pour une entreprise basée à Bordeaux

Objectif : Redresser le site E-commerce en perte de vitesse

Déroulé de la mission de direction E-commerce

  • Un audit E-commerce complet de la stratégie E-commerce de l'entreprise et des concurrents
  • Recueille des avis des partis prenantes en interne (logistique, webmarketing, ADV etc..)
  • Création d'un business plan et d'investissement pour piloter le projet
  • Validation du projet par le CODIR et les actionnaires
  • Déroulement opérationnel du projet : management, recrutement, construction du pool de prestataires
  • Résultats : un site E-commerce en croissance de 45% après des années de baisse de CA et un ROI multiplié par 2

Verbatim client :
Avoir Benoît comme Directeur E-commerce pour reprendre en main notre stratégie E-commerce nous à permis d'obtenir de solides performances et une équipe remotiver. Merci

Benoît Gaillat, your next E-commerce director

If you are looking for an e-commerce or digital director with skills as an e-commerce project manager, e-commerce manager, team leader, digital transformation, having a very good network in e-commerce startups and web providers then contact me!